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Top 10 reasons you should join a community garden


1) Space for You to grow: Not everyone has the space for a garden at their home/apartment but, some people may want to grow their foods. This is where a community garden comes in, as it grants you the space to grow your natural food.

2) Dietary benefits: One obvious reason to join a community garden is the dietary benefits it brings to its members. As the community garden grows all-natural fruits and vegetables, this has numerous benefits to one's health, like lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.

3) Physical benefits: Another reason why joining a community garden is great is because of the physical benefits. Community gardens allow you to build and plant your little plot, meaning it is an excellent form of exercise.

4) Eat what you grow: Nothing is better than eating the fruits of your labour. After all of that hard work planting and watching over your garden, you can enjoy everything you grew! You know exactly what goes into your garden, so there would be no unwanted pesticides or chemicals.

5) Learn about what goes into gardening: Being a part of a community garden also gives its members a great opportunity to learn more about gardening in a fun and safe space. A community garden allows for mistakes to happen and lets you learn from your mistakes and improve them.

6) Fresh fruits and vegetables: Instead of going to the grocery store and picking up produce you don't know where it's been, a community garden cuts out the middle man and brings fresh produce right into your hands. A community garden allows you to pick fresh produce right from the ground that you grew!

7) Helping those in need: Community gardens also allow you the opportunity to help those around you. In many community gardens (including ours), they let you share what you've grown with other community garden members and other members of the community.

8) A sense of community (with covid 19 guidelines): A community garden is exactly as the title sounds, a garden within the community, and with that comes people in the community participating. There will be a few people around that are safely distanced from Covid-19 guidelines for our community garden. Know that you are not growing alone, as there is always a community to help out.

9) Fun for the kids: As mentioned, a community garden is a great source of physical activity. Along with that, a community garden is great fun for the kids and gets them moving. Community gardens get the kids moving and learning valuable lessons about gardening. This is also a great way of spending time with your kids and bonding over shared interests.

10) Saves you money: Many community gardens are a great way to save money. Signing up for a community garden is not very expensive. Who wouldn't love saving money on groceries and getting fresh produce at a fraction of the cost?


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